I’m talking about the Ralph Pink RP088 beach coverup and the shocking truth is, I love this sewing pattern!! It’s tempting to rave about every shiny new thing you make, but the ultimate test of a good sewing pattern is whether the finished garment suits you, how often you wear it, and how long it stays in […]
PDF Pattern Alert: Two Basic Printout Mistakes To Avoid
I love digital patterns! They’re immediately accessible and easy to use. I can dream up a new project, click ‘buy’ and have the pattern cut out and ready to go in the time it takes my home printer to churn out the pattern pages. Fantastic! However, a word to the wise. In your haste, don’t make […]
My Top 3 Maxi Skirt Patterns
I’ve just added the Gabriola by Sewaholic Patterns to my growing collection of hand-made summer maxi skirts! I love making and wearing maxi skirts and now that I’ve tried a few different patterns, I thought it’d be useful to do a roundup of three of my favourites. The Pros Of All 3 Each has a fitted yoke or waistband – […]
How to Make a Maxi Miette Skirt.
I love maxi skirts, especially in the summer. They’re flattering, comfortable and most importantly, easy to make! Last year I lengthened the Miette skirt pattern by Tilly and the Buttons to make this maxi. I’ve heard that people have had problems making this maxi pattern though. The main sticking points seem to have been fabric choice and drafting […]
Are Marfy Patterns Worth The Money?
Yes, they probably are, but let me tell you about what’s highjacked my life and why I’m late posting this pattern review! No, not the World Cup, although that hasn’t helped! Nightingales! Little birds with beautiful voices and cute, fluffy, stubby-tailed babies. They’ve been nesting under the carport roof in our garden and they’ve driven me to distraction! Last […]
Here’s A Quick Way To Boost Your Self-Made Summer Wardrobe.
It’s sizzling hot here in southern Germany and I’ve little time for sewing. I’d much rather be cooling off in my local Freibad! Fortunately, I was given a pattern multi-pack with all I needed to quickly give my self-made summer wardrobe a hefty boost. In one week, using half of the pack’s quick and easy patterns, I’ve managed to create […]
#MMM14. Me-Made-May 2014. The End.
Today was the final day of Me-Made-May 2014. Phew, I don’t need to photograph myself tomorrow! I ended with this McCall’s M6083 jumpsuit that I’ve just finished. I’ll post a pattern review soon. I didn’t intentionally start and finish the month with a jumpsuit, it just worked out that way. It is the year of […]
Can’t Keep Up? 5 Ways To Keep Your Cool In Me-Made-May.
1. Get real. Be realistic about how many me-made garments you can wear each week before you make your Me-Made-May pledge. If you’re a newbie sewer and you haven’t built up a sizeable me-made collection of clothes yet, keep it manageable and pledge fewer items per week. If like me, you’ve been sewing for many […]
Me-Made-May 2014 – Roundup – Part One
It’s day twelve of Me-Made-May 2014 and so far I’ve upheld my pledge to wear at least one me-made garment every day this month. I’ve been posting my pics daily in the #MMMay14 page under ‘Makes’ in my header menu bar and also on the #MMMay14 Pinterest page. I’m glad I’m doing this. I love […]
6 Signs You’re A Selfish Sewer
1. When invited to join Selfish Sewing Week and sew for yourself, you jump in without a moment’s hesitation. 2. You immediately clear your schedule – ignore messy house, overgrown garden and hungry children – and get stuck into sewing! 3. You choose a quick and easy pattern so you can double your selfishness and crank […]