Today was the final day of Me-Made-May 2014. Phew, I don’t need to photograph myself tomorrow! I ended with this McCall’s M6083 jumpsuit that I’ve just finished. I’ll post a pattern review soon. I didn’t intentionally start and finish the month with a jumpsuit, it just worked out that way. It is the year of […]
Can’t Keep Up? 5 Ways To Keep Your Cool In Me-Made-May.
1. Get real. Be realistic about how many me-made garments you can wear each week before you make your Me-Made-May pledge. If you’re a newbie sewer and you haven’t built up a sizeable me-made collection of clothes yet, keep it manageable and pledge fewer items per week. If like me, you’ve been sewing for many […]
#MMMay14 Me-Made-May 2014 Challenge!
I’m in! I pledge to wear an item of me-made clothing everyday of May 2014. I hope I can keep this up! At least it’ll give me a chance to air the me-made things I don’t have time to blog about. So here goes. Day One. This is hot off the pressing cloth. I finished […]