
Hollander Stoff MarktsGermany – inspired by the fabric markets popular in Holland, these open-air markets are usually held over the weekend in various cities throughout Germany – each one is held on one day in one city and then it moves to the next town.  The markets are big events and the vendors are a mix of German and Dutch although many speak English if necessary.  They are very popular and well-attended and there are usually many bargains to be had.  All sorts of fabrics and patterns and sewing supplies are on sale at varying prices and qualities.  Details of the dates of upcoming markets can be found on The new spring 2014 programmes starts on March 1st 2014 in Oberhausen. You can see examples of fabrics I’ve bought from these markets hereherehere and here.

Hollander Stoff Markt, Germany
Hollander Stoff Markt, Germany


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